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Closeup of a bundle of oranges in a grove showered with sunlight

Our Products

We are a ful­ly inte­grat­ed cat­e­go­ry sup­pli­er in four main fruit cat­e­gories: Cit­rus, Grapes, Cher­ries and Avo­ca­dos. We define a core cat­e­go­ry as a focused item grown and sourced around the globe to pro­vide the best qual­i­ty, avail­abil­i­ty and con­sis­tant pro­duc­tion for our cus­tomers around the world.

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Voita employee packing citrus into boxes

Quality Matters

We were one of the first com­pa­nies to employ our own ground inspec­tors to hand select each order for qual­i­ty. This atten­tion to detail and qual­i­ty made the com­pa­ny a leader in devel­op­ing cus­tomer qual­i­ty require­ments and improv­ing busi­ness mar­gins for our cus­tomers. No one wins when sub­stan­dard qual­i­ty ships and cre­ates prob­lems in the sup­ply chain of our cus­tomers and neg­a­tive­ly impacts returns for grow­ers. One qual­i­ty stan­dard does not fit for every buy­er, with many dif­fer­ent grades and qual­i­ty rank­ings we take great care to find our cus­tomers the cor­rect prod­uct that cre­ates the high­est val­ue for them.

Ariel shot of lush farmland

With years of expe­ri­ence in fresh pro­duce dis­tri­b­u­tion to far reach­ing des­ti­na­tions we ful­ly under­stand that the qual­i­ty of the prod­uct upon arrival is of the up most impor­tance. All of our inspec­tors are spe­cial­ly trained and have many years of expe­ri­ence in select­ing the best qual­i­ty fruit to meet your expec­ta­tions. All orders are checked for Brix, Acid, Pres­sure, Inter­nal and Exter­nal defects. Each order is select­ed by Lot” (indi­vid­ual grow­er field) to ensure the ship­ment is uni­form and con­sis­tent in qual­i­ty. Each order receives a QC report with pho­tos at the time of shipment.

All of our inspec­tors are spe­cial­ly trained and have many years of expe­ri­ence in select­ing the best qual­i­ty fruit to meet your expec­ta­tions. All orders are checked for Brix, Acid, Pres­sure, Inter­nal and Exter­nal defects. Each order is select­ed by Lot” (indi­vid­ual grow­er field) to ensure the ship­ment is uni­form and con­sis­tent in qual­i­ty. Each order receives a QC report with pho­tos at the time of ship­ment.

All pro­duce is Food Safe­ty Cer­ti­fied and Grown under GAP.

Citrus on a conveyer belt
Citrus being inspected
Refractometer reading 13.2%
Air Chief Autumn Crisp 10
Air Chief Autumn Crisp 14
Air Chief Black Autumn Crisp 8
Split grape
Orange trees with snow capped mountains in the background
Supreme Premium California Citrus Logo

Supreme” lit­er­al­ly means Supe­ri­or to all oth­ers.” This is dri­ving force behind the Supreme brand — supe­ri­or qual­i­ty and taste.

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