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Supreme Premium California Citrus


Supreme” lit­er­al­ly means Supe­ri­or to all oth­ers.” This was and con­tin­ues to be the dri­ving force behind the SUPREME brand. Our mis­sion is to cre­ate a brand that is syn­ony­mous with the high­est qual­i­ty and best eat­ing char­ac­ter­is­tics. To cre­ate this, we must start with the best fruit. We have care­ful­ly select­ed the best groves in each grow­ing area with respect to region, soil and vari­ety to pro­vide the same con­sis­tent qual­i­ty from the begin­ning to the end of each sea­son. Every ranch is har­vest­ed at its opti­mal qual­i­ty and care­ful­ly packed to SUPREME spec­i­fi­ca­tions.

While we pay spe­cial atten­tion to the exter­nal qual­i­ty and cos­met­ic grade of each piece of fruit, we also under­stand that to cre­ate sat­is­fied cus­tomers we must deliv­er a great eat­ing orange as well. To achieve this, we must start well before har­vest by care­ful­ly test­ing the fruit pri­or to har­vest to meet our select­ed require­ments on Brix, Acid and Ratio. The fruit is again test­ed dur­ing har­vest and again at pack­ing to make sure we are main­tain­ing the select­ed cri­te­ria and deliv­er­ing the best eat­ing fruit that we can.

Supreme Box with PLU Label

Supreme Reserve

While Supreme pro­vides a pre­mi­um export qual­i­ty orange we have two spe­cial pro­grams that make the Supreme expe­ri­ence more specialized.

Supreme Reserve High Brix

Once all of the qual­i­ty spec­i­fi­ca­tions and pro­ce­dures for Supreme are met we fur­ther sep­a­rate the fruit dur­ing pack­ing to iso­late the fruit with the very best eat­ing qual­i­ty. We uti­lize the lat­est pack­ing tech­nol­o­gy to sense the Brix (sug­ar) and Acid in each piece of fruit with opti­cal read­ers and then pack that fruit into Supreme Reserve.

Supreme reserve box

Supreme Reserve Heirloom Naval

Grow­ers and Cit­rus afi­ciona­dos all know that some of the best eat­ing fruit comes from the old­est trees. Unlike many fruit trees, cit­rus tree’s pro­duce fruit for 80 or more years if they are tak­en care of. When the indus­try was being devel­oped in the San Joaquin Val­ley, these leg­endary cit­rus groves were plant­ed on the best soil with the best sources of water. These groves are still pro­duc­ing fan­tas­tic qual­i­ty fruit today. We have iso­lat­ed these blocks to be picked, packed and spe­cial­ly cul­ti­vat­ed to be packed under Supreme Reserve.

Supreme Reserve Heirloom box

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